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    Youth Mobility Scheme Application

    The Youth Mobility Scheme permits the youths from participating countries and territories who have been sponsored to work in the UK for two years and experience life there.

    In a temporary role, you will be permitted to work in the UK, with this visa and it is not needed for you to have a job offer before the application. Youth Mobility Visa holders are granted permission to study, work in most jobs, start up a company. They are even allowed to leave and re-enter the UK several times within their visas validity time period. 

    Although, with this visa no dependents can be brought with you, nor can you extend this type of visa in the UK.

    Get in touch with our expert immigration lawyers to learn more on Youth Mobility Scheme Visa.

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      Eligibility Requirements

      There are certain eligibility requirements that have been set up for the Youth Mobility Scheme Application. To those who are between 18 to 30 years of age and belonging to the following countries the scheme is open;

      • Australia 
      • Canada 
      • Hong Kong 
      • Japan 
      • Monaco 
      • New Zealand 
      • Republic of Korea 
      • San Marino
      • Taiwan 

      If you do not belong to the above countries, but are a British overseas citizen, a British overseas territories citizen or a British overseas national of 18 to 30 years of age then you can also apply. 

      If you have children who are below 18 years old and for whom you are financially responsible or if with the Youth Mobility Scheme, you have entered before then, you cannot apply.

      To be an eligible candidate for the scheme, the maintenance requirements should be met as well. You must prove that you are capable of financially supporting yourself in the UK, with acts such as having at least £2,530 in your bank account for a continuous period of at least 28 days.

      How can Rubens Immigration help you apply for a Youth Mobility Visa ?

      As per the requirements of the Youth Mobility Visa, the immigration lawyer that has been assigned for your case, will check your nationality and qualifications to make sure that they satisfy the standard requirements, making you an eligible candidate. 

      A Letter of Representation that includes your case details and merits relevant to UK immigration laws in support of your application will be prepared by your lawyer. Your lawyer will also see to the correct and proper compilation of substantial and complete documents for your application which maximises your chance of success. 

      You can contact us to know more about the Youth Mobility Visa, its requirements and application process and our services in regards to it. We have professional and well experienced lawyers who will be incharge of your case and be there guiding and supporting you all the way through your application process.

      Our Packages

      Advice Package
      Advice Package

      Tailored comprehensive immigration package to your circumstances and goals.

      Application Package
      Application Package

      Feel stress-free with the package designed just for your convenience.

      Fast Track Package
      Fast Track Package

      With this package; you are sure to submit the visa application within deadline.

      Appeal Package
      Appeal Package

      We ensure you have the higher chance of a successful appeal.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      To apply for a Youth Mobility Visa, you must be between the ages of 18 and 30. You must also be a citizen of one of the following nations:

      • Australia
      • Canada
      • Japan
      • Monaco
      • New Zealand
      • Hong Kong
      • The Republic of Korea
      • Taiwan


      • A British overseas citizen
      • A British overseas territories citizen
      • A British national (overseas)

      To be considered for a Youth Mobility Visa, you must receive 50 points and meet all of the points-based system's additional criteria.

      The following is how the points are distributed:

      • Nationality requirement – 30 points
      • Age requirement – 10 points
      • Maintenance requirement – 10 points

      Until submitting an application, applicants from Hong Kong or the Republic of Korea would need a Certificate of Sponsorship.

      When visiting the UK under the Youth Mobility Scheme, you are unable to:

      • bring dependent children;
      • under the scheme or under the former ‘Working Holidaymaker' category, have previously visited the UK;
      • be currently living in the UK when you make an application.

      If you want to stay in the UK after your Youth Mobility Visa has expired, you have certain options. However, the Youth Mobility Visa is restricted in that it is only valid for two years and is not permanent.

      Routes to consider include:

      Ancestry Visa - you will qualify for an ancestry visa, if you have a grandparent who was born in the UK. Since the application cannot be completed in the UK, you will be able to live and work in the UK until you return.

      Skilled Worker Visa - if you received a job offer from a UK Sponsor during your two years in the UK, you will apply for a Skilled Worker Visa.

      Ancestry Dependent Visa - if you are married to an Ancestry Visa holder, you can apply for an Ancestry Dependant Visa. As a result, if they are entitled for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), you will be as well.

      Spouse Visa –  you can apply for this visa, under the condition that you are married to a British citizen or someone who has settled status in the UK.

      We at Rubens Immigration understand how difficult it can be to figure out which visa category is right for you. Our specialist solicitors will assist you regardless of your situation or occupation. We will answer all of your questions and walk you through each step of the application or inquiry process. Ruben's Immigration will help you increase your chances of being accepted into the Youth Mobility Scheme.

      Among the services we provide are:

      • interacting with you at a time that is convenient for you in person, over the phone, or via Skype;
      • determining your eligibility for a Youth Mobility Visa;
      • putting together a Letter of Representation to go with your application. This letter outlines your case and its merits, as well as citing any applicable UK immigration laws in support of your case;
      • liaising with the Home Office during your application process;
      • and meticulously filling out each section of your application form.

      You can contact our team of experts regarding the Youth Mobility Scheme and its application.